Dynamic Intelligence qualifications are designed to support the development of coaches and leaders within their respective professional fields. All our trainers meet the DI Quality Assurance Standards.

Trainers in DI programmes are specialists in their field of knowledge with significant practical insight and membership of relevant professional institutions that support their work combined with a graduate level of education and schooled in the DI concept of development.
Some of our trainers are assisted with trainee assistants who give input into the DI development programmes but always under the supervision of a DI Registered Trainer.
Our programmes encourage peer learning allowing participants to share experiences form their own work life and personal journey.
Participants will:
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of Dynamic Intelligence and its relevance to Leadership & Coaching
- Gain critical insight and come to know latest thinking on different models used within DI development
- Study critical shifts in behaviour
- Learn how to assist individuals in making real lasting change
- Discover new techniques in working in complex environments
- Evaluate the outcomes of the process of DI using objective measures
- Gain an accredited qualification in DI Leadership or Coaching
- Become a Registered DI Leader or Coach
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